Bruno Zevi. A joint lecture by Caspar Pearson and Roberto Dulio

feb 23, 2018 | News Centenario

“Faced with the task of reconstruction following the Second World War, architects interpreted the Renaissance in a variety of ways. Sometimes seen as a model of ‘rebirth,’ the Renaissance could also appear as the chief repository of the defunct canons from which modern architects had to escape. Bruno Zevi continually negotiated such oppositions in his historical and critical writings, as he sought to interrogate the meaning of the Renaissance for the modern world. Having recourse, at different times, to both radical instrumentalization and polemical disavowal, Zevi grappled with a Renaissance suspended between historicity and contemporaneity.”

from Bruno Zevi. A joint lecture by Caspar Pearson and Roberto Dulio

Rinascimenti – Colloquia on the Historiography of Early Modern Art

Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz


Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai

Via dei Servi 51
50122 Firenze

1 Marzo 2018 – ore 18:00