Giovanni Bellucci is the winner of the 15th Bruno Zevi Prize

The Bruno Zevi Foundation is proud to announce that the 15th Bruno Zevi Prize has been unanimously awarded to the essay entitled “The housing of Backström and Reinius between the thirties and fifties. An alternative to Scandinavian functionalism”, by Giovanni Bellucci.
Motivazioni della Giuria
The jury of the fifteenth edition of the Bruno Zevi Prize awarded the essay The housing of Backström and Reinius between the thirties and fifties. An alternative to Scandinavian functionalism, with the following motivation:
Although the Scandinavian functionalism theme has been extensively analyzed, the essay paves the way for a useful monograph on the works of this important Swedish architects atelier, whose ethical/political – rather than iconic – influence has been relevant to many Italian and European architects engaged in post-war reconstruction.
The jury also attributes a special mention to the essay Think tanks and research as praxis: AMO as a case study for the originality of the theme and for some harmony with what Zevi claims in his Controstorie about suburbs and metropolitan conurbations.