Tim Altenhof is the winner of the 12th Bruno Zevi Prize
The Bruno Zevi Foundation is proud to announce that the 12th Bruno Zevi Prize has been unanimously awarded to the essay entitled “Erich Mendelsohn’s Breathing Space at Luckenwalde” by Tim Altenhof.
The jury’s rationale:
Following a careful evaluation of numerous essays submitted for the competition, the jury has decided to award the 2018 Bruno Zevi Prize to the essay entitled “Erich Mendelsohn’s Breathing Space at Luckenwalde”, with the following motivation:
This essay fully meets the stated competition criteria and the central theme is approached in a brilliant and original way. In particular, the jury appreciated the interdisciplinary method of the text that has not only the merit of shedding new light on the work and the figure of Erich Mendelsohn, offering a study on a less known but interesting project, but also represents the opportunity to enrich that research front that investigates the intersections of science and medicine with the architectural project.
Within a scientifically and historically rigorous and well-constructed framework, forward looks towards the current scene are also proposed – in full harmony with the Zevi’s lesson – and it’s provided an opportunity for a current reflection on the approach to the design of production sites.