Bruno Zevi Prize 2015

COMPETITION RULES for the 9th edition, 2015
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With a view to developing and disseminating the teachings of Bruno Zevi and his method of critical and historical inquiry, the Bruno Zevi Foundation annually holds an international competition to award a prize for a historical-critical essay offering an original analysis of an architectural work, theme or architect of the past or present.
The competition is divided into five sections corresponding with the following themes:
– the key role of space in architecture;
– the ancient sources of modern language;
– history as a methodology of architectural practice;
– the modern language of architecture;
– landscape and the zero-degree language of architecture.
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The competition is open to PhD researchers with experience in the above-listed fields.
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Essays published previously in Italy are not eligible.
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Essays may be submitted in Italian, English and French. Essays written in Italian must be accompanied by an English version.
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The Prize consists of the publication of the essay by the Bruno Zevi Foundation. The author of the winning essay will be invited to give a lecture in Rome in occasion of the conferment award.
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The Prize is awarded annually.
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The Jury is renewed every year. In this edition it’s composed of: Paola Ardizzola, Paolo Desideri, Nicolae Lascu, Giovanni Leoni, David Palterer.
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Those wishing to enter this year’s competition are required to provide the Bruno Zevi Foundation with the following by no later than August, 31, 2016 (as attested by postmark):
a) completed application form including personal data, details of the section in which the essay is entered and the title of the essay [see enclosure];
b) the complete text of the essay (max. 120,000 keystrokes including notes, etc.) and illustrations on CD and two hard copies (digital copies must show the title of the essay but not the author’s name). Essays must also be submitted via email;
c) an Abstract of the essay (1,500 keystrokes).
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Essays entered in the competition and not awarded the prize will not be returned. Copies will be catalogued and filed in a specific section of the Bruno Zevi Foundation Library at the disposal of its users.
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The winner of the Prize will be notified via email of the date of the award, which will also be made public together with the name of the recipient on the Foundation’s website:
Rome, 18 may 2015
President of the Bruno Zevi Foundation
Adachiara Zevi