The Bruno Zevi Foundation

The purpose of the Foundation is to honour the memory of Bruno Zevi, a stubborn and impassioned advocate of the integration of democratic values and architectural ideas, and to recall his extraordinary work as a critic, historian and thinker. To this end, the Foundation will encourage and further the activities of those wishing to devote their energies to the history of architecture, to theoretical studies and practical endeavours in the fields of architecture, city planning and landscape architecture, and to art in general. With particular reference to the youth, it will also try to foster an understanding of the architectural heritage as inseparably bound up with the literary and scientific heritage in accordance with the unified and decidedly anti-academic view of culture that Bruno Zevi championed throughout his life.



As listed below, the Foundation intends to undertake various forms of action in order to attain these objectives.

– To open the library and archives (an ordered and accessible repository of various materials including books, magazines, photographs) to scholars and to the general public. •To organise and promote conferences, lectures, seminars and other cultural events, also in collaboration with other scientific and cultural institutions.

– To promote and operate professional training courses in sectors falling within its own purview.

– To set up an international prize for architecture, city planning and landscape architecture, also in collaboration with other scientific and cultural institutions based in Italy and elsewhere. Excluding already established figures, the prize will try to identify professionals working in terms of organic, expressionist, nonformal and deconstructivist parameters and rejecting any canons and theories other than those of existential experience and the right to the city.

– To provide grants and research contracts for university students or graduates interested in pursuing their studies in architecture, city planning and landscape architecture in Italy or other countries.

– To promote and disseminate studies, research and projects in the fields of architecture, city planning and landscape architecture. –

To promote and undertake productions, publications and distributions of books, articles, audiovisual and electronic material, and other items falling within the scope of its institutional aims.

– To take part in such initiatives organised by other public or private-sector bodies as may facilitate the achievement of its own institutional aims.

– To assist in setting up foundations, associations, consortiums and other collective bodies pursuing aims similar to its own.

– To undertake whatever forms of supplementary or contributory activity that may have a bearing on the attainment of its own institutional aims.


Tullia Calabi Zevi
Giorgio Milano
Inge Pedersen
Annaluisa Sonnino
Leoguido Sonnino
Adachiara Zevi
Alberto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Luca Zevi
Marcella Zevi Sonnino
Sergio Zevi


President: Adachiara Zevi
Vice President: Luca Zevi


Giorgio MILANO;

Alberto Maximo ZEVI;

Sergio Fabio ZEVI;

Fausto ZEVI;

Luca ZEVI;

Adachiara ZEVI;

Leone Guido Benedetto SONNINO;

Anna Luisa SONNINO;

Barbara RUBINO.

La quota annua “amico della Fondazione” è di Euro 150,00 per le persone fisiche e di Euro 600,00 per le persone giuridiche.

Il versamento può essere effettuato con bonifico bancario sul c/c n. 00125894
IBAN IT20Q0335901600100000125894 BIC: BCITITMX
intestato a Fondazione Bruno Zevi presso Banca Prossima